Building the next generation of nonprofit professionals


Internships with Local Non-Profits

Ready to start gaining experience?

Internship Program through AFP Quad Cities

Application for Non-Profits

Develop an internship for your organization with assistance from AFP

Please submit your application to:

We know that building and mentoring the next generation of nonprofit professionals is crucial to the sustainability of many local nonprofits. That is why we started this internship program to expose college students and small nonprofits to each other.

In Spring 2014, AFP Quad Cities initiated a unique internship program to address two identified community needs: (1) a shortage of qualified professionals with fundraising experience to fill open positions in the community and (2) a need for additional fundraising expertise and assistance, especially in smaller nonprofit organizations.

This program meets this need by helping nonprofit organizations find college students with an interest in an internship opportunity, linking them with the appropriate position and nonprofit organization, and providing a qualified fundraising professional to serve as a mentor to that student (if a mentor is requested).

AFP charges no fee for this service to member organizations. Complete the application online or download a copy of the scholarship application request and apply for funding today.  


+ Non-Profit Organizations

To participate in this program, a non-profit must:

  • Be a member in good standing of AFP
  • Agree to abide by the AFP Code of Ethics
  • Agree to all of the terms outlined in the contract between the organization and AFP-QC

+ Student Interns

  • Meet all internship requirements of your educational institution
  • Agree to abide by the AFP Code of Ethics

+ Mentors

  • Minimum of 5 years of fundraising experience in the specific area of mentorship requested by the non-profit(solicitation, stewardship and retention, grant writing, event planning)
  • Agree to abide by the AFP Code of Ethics


This project is supported by Quad City Arts Dollars, provided by the Illinois Arts Council Agency, Hubbell-Waterman Foundation, and John Deere. Generous grants have also been provided by the Quad Cities Community Foundation and the Regional Development Authority to support this program